

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Paul Monroe Says

Thanks, BJ. I enjoyed reading through that discussion - I doubt there are many Congressional candidate’s websites were so much interesting commentary can be found.
There certainly is a potential danger in inflating a currency, but I think that banks would realize that if they provide a bank note which has an unstable value or which devalues over time, people would be more reluctant to use it.
I don’t think that the supply of a bank’s notes would fluctuate much in practice, as banks would likely settle on a ratio and would probably not alter it much from there.
Also, doesn’t the discovery of gold confiscate the purchasing power of gold? The same goes with any other commodity. I think the morality argument applies more with the current system since it is a policy decision to debase the value of the currency. Even still, it is certainly debatable that it would also be immoral in a “free banking” system.

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